I want my images to scream at me. Sometimes quietly and poetically



Hiding on the edge of heaven and hell

As a child I wished that I lived in a world of shadow where judgment could not be made on visual identy. I also had a reoccurring dream of crawling through a half door in my parents attic that would lead me to this world of shadow. The idea of Hell from Paradise Lost by John Milton feels much like what I envisioned my utopia or Heaven to be like. With this series I am investigating the edge, what could be a welcoming hiding place or terrifying darkness.


A circumstance or obstacle that keeps people or things apart or prevents communication or progress. This is an ongoing word series that I like to add images from various shoots into. There might be crossover images from other bodies of work.

My Dark City

I grew up in Kansas City and I will always call it home. These are a continuing series of images made from reflections and some straight street images.


I enjoy the process of painting film in the dark prior to exposure. It occurred to me to try and follow the book of Genesis from the Bible. Creation, Starting with complete darkness and doing something intelligent to a chemical surface. I would use acrylic paint and semen to do design and gesture to the film. I used the semen as a giving substance of life. After re-rolling the film back and put into the camera the substance I had created need light to come alive. I choose to expose a man (usually myself) and woman as a representation of Adam & Eve. There are a few of the images that are studies of Masaccio’s Expulsion of Adam & Eve. I would use double exposure to illustrate how together Man & Woman are a whole but when the bodies are not overlapping they are translucent or not quite whole. I’m hopeful to show togetherness and equality between the sexes while also exploring ideas of shame, regret and isolation.